Digital Teaching Toolbox
What is a Course?
The "course" is an ILIAS object that belongs to the container objects in ILIAS just like the "category". You can use the course to provide online materials for your courses (e.g. lectures, seminars, tutorials etc.) for your participants. Furthermore, the "course object" also offers the possibility to display administrative tasks such as the structuring of individual course dates or the communication with members.
What can the Course be used for?
Courses are mainly used to illustrate courses in virtual space. Each course (lecture, seminar etc.) is represented on the ILIAS learning platform by a course created for it.
- In this virtual course room, course administrators can enter materials (files, videos, knowledge tests etc.) or create them with the authoring tools (e.g. "ILIAS learning module" / "ILIAS test") that ILIAS provides.
- Furthermore, it is possible to invite members to this course room with the help of the course. Like in a real course room in the university building, persons can enter this virtual course room and access the deposited materials and information there.
Example: ILIAS course for the seminar “Introduction to Media Didactics”
In the coming summer semester, the Faculty of Behavioral Sciences will offer a seminar on "Introduction to Media Didactics" for its "Instructional Design" degree program.
- For this course, the teachers would like to provide the students with some materials - suitable literature, references to suitable web links, some explanatory videos - and have also decided that the students should create an e-portfolio to accompany the seminar.
- In order to make the materials easily accessible to everyone, create a course on ILIAS. Then you enter all prepared materials into this course room and create a template for the students using the ILIAS object "Portfolio" so that they can work on the accompanying e-portfolio.
- In the course of the seminar, the teachers inform their students (members of the course) about the current procedure and which materials should be prepared for the next classroom session using the "mail to members" function.
Methodical-didactical Hints
The course rooms in ILIAS can also be visually adapted with the help of various editors and design elements. In this way, you can create a structure that optimally supports your methodical-didactical approach.
Designing course rooms on ILIAS in a way that is conducive to learning - Recording "Virtual lecture series of the HND BW“ (in German)
How does it work?
The following tutorials describe functionality and procedures in detail:
Overview: Options for creating a course
You have several options for creating a course on ILIAS:
- Create a new empty course: via the magazine
(PDF Instruction) - Create course via HISinOne: useful when using the HISinOne document function: participant data will be transferred
(Instruction (in German) with Uni account login) - Use course templates:
Pre-structured templates for copying - Copy existing course: Your content will be retained, participant data will be deleted
(PDF Instruction)
Tutorials in English
Tutorials (in German): Create course
- Further Tutorial "Neue Lehrveranstaltungen anlegen"
Tutorials (in German): Copy course template and create a new course with it
- Further Tutorial "Kurs anlegen, importieren, kopieren"
Tutorials (in German and English): Copy course template into existing course, e.g. via HIS interface
- PDF Instruction "Copying courses/course templates or selected content on ILIAS"
Tutorials (in English): Create a new course and adopt existing content
- PDF Instruction "Copying courses/course templates or selected content on ILIAS"
Tutorials (in German): Structure course rooms
- Further Tutorial "Kurse strukturieren"
Further Tutorials (in German)
- Tutorial "Kurs und Gruppe: Übergreifende Texte"
- Tutorial "Kurs"
Related Topics
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Help and Support
If you have any questions about ILIAS, you can reach us ...
- via our Forum, where you will find many already answered questions about ILIAS, and where you also have the possibility to ask questions yourself.
- via the e-mail address
Further use as OER explicitly permitted: This work and its contents are - unless otherwise stated - licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Please attribute according to TASLL rule as follows: "Digital Teaching Toolbox" from E-Learning Department, University of Freiburg, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Zuletzt geändert: 31. Okt. 2024, 09:40, Sassiat (Admin), Daniel [sassiatadmin]