Zentrale Lernplattform


Oral Online Examinations

Oral exams via BigBlueButton

If oral examinations are to be conducted using a video conference, the use of our BigBlueButton server is highly recommended. BigBlueButton is an open source system that can be operated without licence costs and is installed on our own servers, the service is fully compliant with data protection requirements.

You can set up an examination room yourself in two different ways:

  1. You use the ILIAS-internal BigBlueButton rooms, e.g. by creating a BBB object in the corresponding course or group.
  2. You create an exam room directly on our BigBlueButton server via
    • In addition to employees, this option is now also available for students and doctoral candidates.
    • This way is particularly recommended if external persons are to be involved in the examination who do not have access to ILIAS. This includes e.g. external examiners or listeners.
    • Pay special attention to the rights you give to the participants. If you give all of them moderator rights so that the room can also be opened by the examinees themselves, the grade discussion, for example, should not take place in the BBB room, as the examinee could rejoin the room unintentionally.
    • If the examination rooms were created by students or doctoral candidates themselves, it is essential to obtain moderator rights and also note that the room owner always has moderator rights as well.
Further information on creating BBB rooms can be found here: BigBlueButton
Due to shortages of personnel resources, since 01.12.2021 the E-Learning department can no longer provide support for setting up oral exam rooms. Please create them exclusively via the above two solutions in ILIAS or on the BBB server itself.

Instructions on how to use BigBlueButton in exams:

Helpful tips:
  • Always enter examiners and assessors as course administrators so that they also have the corresponding rights. Examinees should always be course members.
  • If you are conducting several oral exams in a row and want to prevent subsequent students from disrupting the current exam, we recommend using breakout rooms as actual exam rooms:
    • At the time of the examination, you, your second examiners and the examinee go to the created BigBlueButton room.  There, you open a "breakout room" and invite all persons involved in the examination into the room. The exam itself then takes place in the breakout room. When the exam is over, the examinee leaves the breakout room and waits in the main room. In this case, the main room serves as a "waiting room", also for subsequent examinees. Once the examiners have discussed the matter, the examinee is invited back to the breakout room to announce the grade. Afterwards, he can leave the virtual examination room and the following examinee is admitted from the preceding waiting room into the main room and then invited into the breakout room.

Oral exams via Zoom

Excerpt from the ZOOM Privacy Policy (currentyly under revision):

"Due to the current restrictions on study operations, examinations in presence are also currently only possible in exceptional cases. In this respect, there is an urgent need to also be able to conduct online examinations under video supervision, especially because many first-semester events take place in the winter semester, which leads to examinations with high numbers of participants. For this reason, the university has approved the use of ZOOM for examinations that are conducted using electronic information and communication systems (online examinations) for the winter semester 2020/2021 and summer semester 2021 due to the ongoing restrictions on study activities caused by the Corona pandemic. The use of ZOOM is subject to the proviso that the reliable and trouble-free performance of the online examination cannot be guaranteed with another information and communication system, in particular one operated by the university itself."
For oral exams, this means that the company's own systems should be used first, in this case BigBlueButton (or alternatively AdobeConnect or DFNconf) as the conferencing tool. Only if, for example, obvious technical problems occur in a test run when using BBB, which cannot be resolved AND the corresponding students agree to the use of ZOOM, can the system be changed. You can then use your own ZOOM account for this and do not have to book rooms via the computer centre.

Help and Support

If you have any questions about ILIAS, you can reach us ...
  • via our Forum, where you will find many already answered questions about ILIAS, and where you also have the possibility to ask questions yourself.
  • via the e-mail address
In all other cases, please contact us via e-mail to
Further use as OER explicitly permitted: This work and its contents are - unless otherwise stated - licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Please attribute according to TASLL rule as follows: "Digital Teaching Toolbox" from E-Learning Department, University of Freiburg, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0

Zuletzt geändert: 16. Juli 2024, 16:44, []