Zentrale Lernplattform


Written Online Examinations

What type of digital testing scenarios are we currently able to offer?

1. Upload Exam

  • The Exercise object in ILIAS allows for conducting Take Home Exams according to the "Download - work - Upload" model, where a file with exam questions is downloaded by the students who then work on it offline and finally upload their solution sheet.
  • This exam type is particularly suitable if your examinees are expected to write longer texts. You can annotate the exam results afterwards and upload the edited version.
    • Advantage: This exam type makes lower demands on the technical equipment of the students (e.g. internet connection), because they do not have to be online during the whole exam.
    • Disadvantage: Automated correction of single- or multiple-choice questions is not possible.
Note: In the case of the "Upload Exam" type, there are various options for execution, such as whether or not examinees are supervised by a video proctor during the exam, or whether examinees take their exam paper-based or use a computer to formulate texts. Find out more about the different options and the appropriate technical tools in our overview "Examination Scenarios".

2. E-Examination Options

  • Live online exams can be conducted via the ILIAS Test object, where students must be online in ILIAS for the entire exam and enter their solutions directly into ILIAS (e.g. single or multiple choice, matching questions, open-ended questions).
  • This exam type is particularly suitable if you want to automatically score your exam. It is *not* suitable for longer texts (essays, many open questions, etc.). Please note: Annotating texts or uploading corrections for later exam viewing is *not* possible with this exam type. If you want to annotate files of this exam format afterwards, we recommend to save these edited texts internally in a safe place.
    • Disadvantage: This exam format places higher demands on the technical equipment of the students (e.g. internet connection), because they have to be online during the whole exam. 
    • Advantage: Automated correction of single- or multiple-choice questions is possible.
Note: There are various options for the "E-Exam" type of examination. Find out about the different possibilities and the appropriate technical tools in our overview "Examination Scenarios".

Help and Support

If you have any questions about ILIAS, you can reach us ...
  • via our Forum, where you will find many already answered questions about ILIAS, and where you also have the possibility to ask questions yourself.
  • via the e-mail address
In all other cases, please contact us via e-mail to

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Further use as OER explicitly permitted: This work and its contents are - unless otherwise stated - licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Please attribute according to TASLL rule as follows: "Digital Teaching Toolbox" from E-Learning Department, University of Freiburg, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0

Zuletzt geändert: 17. Juli 2024, 09:45, []