Terms of Service

Before you proceed to ILIAS you accept the following Terms of Service.

Access to the online learning platform ILIAS will only be granted to users who have accepted the following User Agreement:

The registration and every subsequent login on ILIAS will be accomplished using the user credentials of the personal Uni-Account. The user credentials are personal, have to be kept secret and must not be revealed to other persons. During the first login, the user credentials will be registered on ILIAS. In this process, the following data from the university's central identity management systems will be stored in ILIAS: the user name (in the following format: "Uni-Account_uni-freiburg"), the user's full name, the user's e-mail address and, if the user is a student, the user's matriculation number.

When entering a group/course on ILIAS as a member, the group/course administrators, the tutors, the instructors and, depending on the setup of the respective group/course, all other members of the group/course, will be able to see the user name. The user can decide whether she/he want to enter other optional items of personal data into their user profile in ILIAS, which might then be made visible for other users on ILIAS.

The instructors, tutors and group/course administrators responsible for a group/course on ILIAS which is accessed by the user are able to view the content of the group/course, including comments, group/course-related forum entries and contributions to other ILIAS-based online learning tools (e.g. wikis, hand-in exercises) that were entered or uploaded by the user with this group/course.

The use of ILIAS and all contents made available through ILIAS is intended for private use only and only within the context of the user's course of studies, their scientific research and instruction at the University of Freiburg. The user hereby declares that she/he will not share or upload any content on ILIAS that violates any applicable trademark, copyright and/or patent laws.

Last Update: April 15th, 2013