Digital Teaching Toolbox
Getting a Quick Start with ILIAS
ILIAS Course Templates
Here you can copy didactic course templates for
How to apply the ILIAS course templates:
- You can use the "Course Templates" listed above as a basic structure for your own ILIAS courses.
- Modify the templates so that they fit your individual needs.
An online tutorial explains how to copy courses (course templates) in ILIAS: Link to online tutorial (in German)
Quick Guides
Here you can download ILIAS short guides (German/English) in pdf format.
Video Tutorials for ILIAS
- All English video tutorials (audio and/or subtitles) on functions and features of our learning platform ILIAS since the update to version 7.
- Videotutorials for ILIAS 7 (Audio and/or subtitle) and Video tutorials for the previous version (transferable to ILIAS 7) (German)
Sample Course
Browse through our sample course here:
- Sample course with different course items (in German)
How does it work?
The following tutorials show you how to create a completely new course, independent of the course templates mentioned above. You will also learn how to add files and how to structure the course afterwards.
Overview: Ways to create a course
There are several ways to create a course on ILIAS:
- Create new empty course: via the Repository (Anleitung)
- Create course in HISinOne: sensible when using the HISinOne document function: participant data is taken over. (Anleitung mit Login Uni-Account)
- Use course template: Vorstruktierte Vorlagen zum Kopieren
- Copy existing course: Your content will be adopted, participant data deleted (Anleitung)
Tutorials (in German): Lehrveranstaltungen anlegen
- Further Tutorial "Neue Lehrveranstaltungen anlegen"
Tutorials (in German): Dateien hochladen
- Further Tutorial "Dateien hochladen"
Tutorials(in German): Lehrveranstaltungen strukturieren
- Further Tutorial "Kurse strukturieren"
Related Topics
The following pages may also interest you:
Help and Support
If you have any questions about ILIAS, you can reach us ...
- via our Forum, where you will find many already answered questions about ILIAS, and where you also have the possibility to ask questions yourself.
- via the e-mail address
Further use as OER explicitly permitted: This work and its contents are - unless otherwise stated - licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Please attribute according to TASLL rule as follows: "Digital Teaching Toolbox" from E-Learning Department, University of Freiburg, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Last edited: 6. Nov. 2024, 11:12, Gayer (Admin), Claudia [gayeradmin]