Digital Teaching Toolbox
Examination Scenarios
General Information
Digital Examinations
With the amendment of the LGH (State Higher Education Code) as of 01 Jan 21, the legislator created new regulations that also enable the performance of written and oral online examinations via video supervision. On the basis of the new regulations, the various forms of digital examinations were incorporated into the framework examination regulations as "online examinations" (with the exception of the GymPO, where digital examinations via video supervision continue to be regulated via the Corona Statutes.
On these pages you will find instructions and guides on technical implementation options using the university infrastructure.
- Find out about the different scenarios and decide which form of examination is suitable for your examination scenario.
- Please take note of the associated guidelines and instructions for implementing the scenarios, as well as the ILIAS course templates provided, which you will find at the bottom of the page.
- Oral examinations can be taken by video conference at the request of the students without the examinees having to be at the university. Regulations on online examinations are included in the Corona Statutes (7th Amendment Statutes of 13 July 2021).
- Please also note here that oral online examinations are only permitted if the electronic information and communication systems used for this purpose are operated by the Albert Ludwig University or by third parties on its behalf.
- For the University of Freiburg, this means that oral online exams are to be conducted using BigBlueButton as the system operated by the university. In case of technical problems, Zoom can be used as long as the University of Freiburg provides Zoom licenses.
Do you need support on the subject of "Online Examinations"?
Please note the current office hours:
- Tuesdays: 2 pm - 6 pm
- Thursdays: 8 am - 12 pm
Only during these times can requests for e- and online exams currently be processed. If required, online meetings can also be arranged within these time slots.
Please contact us preferably by e-mail:
Detailed overview of the different examination scenarios
Please note that for summative exams with the ILIAS test object (exam forms 3 and 4) you should only use the e-exam server ILIAS-exam (login with university account). Only there can we ensure an appropriate stability of the server and comply with the required storage periods.
Within the framework of the E-Examination service, which is offered jointly by the E-Learning and E-Science service centers, electronic examinations can also be offered in presence, either as pure on-site exams or as hybrid exams.
For questions about on-site and hybrid exams, ILIAS-Exam, and general questions about electronic exams, please contact

Definition: What is an upload exam and when is it best to use this form?
The paper-based online "upload exam" is the counterpart to a classic paper-based exam under supervision (here: video supervision via ZOOM). Participants will be asked exam questions, which they will solve independently in the allotted time, handwritten on paper. The students scan/photograph their solution at the end of the processing time and upload it to the examination session on the learning platform ("ILIAS-Lehre"). The correction of the exam is done by the teacher on a paper printout.
What templates and guidance are available for this exam format?
ILIAS Course Template & Guide
- ILIAS-LEHRE Course Template "Upload-Exam with Video Proctoring" (only in German right now)
Guides for teachers & students
- Anleitung Scan der Prüfungen mit Smartphones: (Anleitung für iOS, Anleitung für Android) (CC-BY ZML, KIT)

2.A. Definition: OpenBook exam - paper
In a paper-based "OpenBook" exam, students are asked exam questions which they solve independently, handwritten on paper, in the allotted time. The questions are usually designed for application or transfer knowledge, and students can use aids. There is no proctoring for OpenBook exams. The students scan/photograph their solution at the end of the processing time and upload it to the examination event on the learning platform ("ILIAS-Lehre"). The correction of the examination is done by the lecturer on a paper printout.
What templates and guidelines are available for this exam format?
ILIAS Course Template & Guideline
- ILIAS-LEHRE Course Template "Upload-Exam - OpenBook without Video Proctoring" (only in German right now)
Guidelines for lecturers & students
- Eigenständigkeitserklärung (LINK folgt)
- Anleitung Scan der Prüfungen mit Smartphones: (Anleitung für iOS, Anleitung für Android) (CC-BY ZML, KIT)

2.B. Definition: OpenBook exam - computer
In a computer-based OpenBook exam, the questions are usually provided as "free text questions" in an ILIAS test. However, questions using the answer choice method (MC/SC) are also possible. The students answer the questions directly online in the examination system "ILIAS-Exam". They work on the exam independently and without supervision within the given time. The exam is digitally corrected directly in the "ILIAS-Exam" examination system.
What templates and guidelines are available for this exam format?
ILIAS Course Template & Guideline
- ILIAS-EXAM Course Template "Online Exam without Video Proctoring - OpenBook or Time-Pressured Exam" (only in German right now)
Guidelines for lecturers & students
- Eigenständigkeitserklärung (Link folgt)

Definition: What is a multiple & single choice or/and free text exam and when is it best to use this form?
In the case of a multiple & single choice or free text exam, the questions are provided as electronic exams in an ILIAS test. The students answer the questions directly online in the examination system "ILIAS-Exam". The students complete the exam in the specified time under supervision (video supervision via ZOOM). The examination is corrected digitally directly in the "ILIAS-Exam" examination system.
What templates and guidance are available for this exam format?
ILIAS Course Template & Guide
- ILIAS-EXAM Course Template "Online Exam with Video Proctoring" (only in German right now)
Guides for teachers & students

Definition: What is a time pressure exam and when is it best to use this form?
In a "time pressure exam", mainly multiple & single choice questions (rarely free text) are provided electronically in an ILIAS test. The students answer the questions directly online in the examination system "ILIAS-Exam". The students complete the exam in the given time without supervision. The amount of questions must be coordinated with the available processing time in such a way that it is not possible to add unauthorised aids. The correction of the examination takes place digitally directly in the examination system "ILIAS-Exam".
What templates and guidance are available for this exam format?
ILIAS Course Template & Guide
Formative examinations have been carried out digitally for a long time. ILIAS provides various tools for different scenarios and tasks, e.g. submission exercises, e-portfolios and e-tests. We can currently provide you with the following instructions:
- Further information on Test (from our section: How to Work with the ILIAS Learning Platform)
- Further information on Portfolio (from our section: How to Work with the ILIAS Learning Platform)
- Further information on Exercise / Submission (from our section: How to Work with the ILIAS Learning Platform)
Settings and Export of Exam Data When Using the ILIAS Test Object
Help and Support
- via our Forum, where you will find many already answered questions about ILIAS, and where you also have the possibility to ask questions yourself.
- via the e-mail address

Further use as OER explicitly permitted: This work and its contents are - unless otherwise stated - licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Please attribute according to TASLL rule as follows: "Digital Teaching Toolbox" from E-Learning Department, University of Freiburg, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Zuletzt geändert: 29. Jul 2024, 11:21, []