Digital Teaching Toolbox
Peer Feedback
What is a Peer Feedback?
Peer Feedback is a function that is integrated into the object Exercise / Submission. It provides the possibility to actively involve students in the feedback on the submitted tasks. Students can use this function to give each other feedback on the submitted solutions. As a teacher, you can determine how much feedback each participant must give in order to pass an exercise or to display the grades they have received. You can also formulate and store criteria that students can use as a guide when creating their feedback. As a teacher, you can also view the assignment of peer feedback takers and givers as well as feedback already given/received.
What can the Peer Feedback be used for?
You can use the peer feedback function if you want a large group of students to complete a certain task and you do not only want to offer a sample solution, but all students should receive individual feedback. You can use the peer feedback function to create small feedback groups, so that students can give each other feedback and each student receives feedback in return.
Students enhance their competences both through qualitative feedback they receive from others (teachers and/or peers) and by formulating qualitative feedback themselves. They do not only become experts in other subject areas, but also learn how to give constructive feedback.
In order for peer feedback to have the desired effects, it must be well guided. You can do this, for example, by using simple feedback options (text, file and/or 5-star rating) or by creating and storing catalogues of criteria in which you can define precise requirements. You can use the criteria catalogs in several exercise units.
Students enhance their competences both through qualitative feedback they receive from others (teachers and/or peers) and by formulating qualitative feedback themselves. They do not only become experts in other subject areas, but also learn how to give constructive feedback.
In order for peer feedback to have the desired effects, it must be well guided. You can do this, for example, by using simple feedback options (text, file and/or 5-star rating) or by creating and storing catalogues of criteria in which you can define precise requirements. You can use the criteria catalogs in several exercise units.
Methodical-didactical Hints
Peer Feedback: Realization on ILIAS (in German)
How does it work?
The following tutorials describe functionality and procedures in detail:
Video Tutorial (in German): Peer-Feedback in Einreichungsaufgaben / Übungen
Further Tutorial (in German)
- Tutorial "Übung - Peer-Feedback nutzen" (from the ILIAS-Online-Help)
Help and Support
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- via the e-mail address
Further use as OER explicitly permitted: This work and its contents are - unless otherwise stated - licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Please attribute according to TASLL rule as follows: "Digital Teaching Toolbox" from E-Learning Department, University of Freiburg, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Zuletzt geändert: 16. Juli 2024, 17:14, []